Freda Kahlo: Self portrait with Hummingbird and Thorn 1940. How do we see the world as humans, as non-humans, as performers in nature or nature ? / by Mark Edwards

Kahlo’s self portrait is a sombre spiritual representation of living as part of nature, it grapples with self the interior hidden shroud of a woman deep rooted in her ancestral past. Identity living within a cosmos of plant, animal and human life. Perez says “explore the nature of self as not (social) circumscribed identities alongside identity as nature and cosmic being. Beyond asking what is self, the work asks what is life, what are the forms, what constitutes lasting being” ?

Pérez, Laura E.. 2019. Eros Ideologies : Writings on Art, Spirituality, and the Decolonial. Durham: Duke University Press. Accessed June 1, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central.
