Emmylou Harris: The Road, welcome relief, this song breaks my tension, gives me some respite, takes me up above the clouds so high, thoughts move from the studio to a safe plce. / by Mark Edwards

The Road, We share together, takes me to a safe secure sanctuary, just what i need, a break from my studies. These lyrics resonate with my trepidation in this weird world we live. You can’t be haunted by the past (i think we can and are haunted by the past) Can you see me from some place up there amongst the stars, Yes these words evoke thoughts and spark my imagination, the road may be lonely yet the end is ever evolving and hope is out there. Like Emmylou Harris, Martin Creed also gives me respite he breaks the tension in his some time absurdity art actions, yet they hold presence in my unconsciousness mind and sporn my creativity.